The Court will award care and control based on the principle that the welfare of the child is the paramount (i.e. most important) consideration. The Court may also take into consideration the child’s wishes. The objective and purpose of awarding access to the parent who does not have care and control of the child is…
The Court will award care and control based on the principle that the welfare of the child is the paramount (i.e. most important) consideration. The Court may also take into consideration the child’s wishes. Generally, one parent will be awarded with care and control of the child and the other parent (without care and control)…
The Court can order that the custody be awarded jointly to both parents or solely to a single parent. The Court will award custody based on the principle that the welfare of the child is the paramount (i.e. most important) consideration. The Court may also take into consideration the child’s wishes. Joint custody (i.e. custody…
Custody: this refers to your right, as a parent, to make important / key decisions over major aspects of the child’s upbringing and welfare, such as those affecting the following: Religion e.g. whether your child should be receive religious instruction, attend a place of worship or participate in religious activities / ceremonies. Education e.g. whether…