If you are the victim of Family Violence, you may apply for a Personal Protection Order (PPO) to restrain (i.e. prohibit) a person from using family violence against you or your family members. The meaning of Family Violence is set out in the Women’s Charter. A person is considered to have committed Family Violence if…

After considering considering your mitigation plea as well as any arguments made by the Prosecution in relation to the issue of sentencing, the Judge will impose a sentence against you. Once a decision on the conviction and sentence has been made by the Judge, either party may generally make an appeal to the High Court…

The purpose of a mitigation plea is to persuade the Court to impose the least severe or most appropriate punishment (in your view) available for the offence committed in view of all the circumstances of your case. As such, the mitigation plea should aim to present the following types of information for the Court’s consideration:…

After you have been found guilty and convicted of an offence, the Court will need to consider what type and amount of sentence to impose against you. Before the Court decides on and imposes the sentence, you will be given an opportunity to inform the Court of any mitigating factors which you may have. The…

Any party can apply to the Court to have the Maintenance Order rescinded (i.e. withdrawn / cancelled) or varied (i.e. revised / amended). To do so, the party must be able to prove that there has been a material change in the circumstances of that party, such as in the following situations: A wife may…

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