The Protection from Harassment Act (POHA) is an act to protect individuals from harassment and unlawful stalking. Under this act, the Protection Order protects victims of harassment that a) has happened in the past, or b) may happen in the future.

The order doesn’t last forever – it is typically granted for a specific period of time, though the Court may allow exceptions as it thinks fit. Once granted, the victim or person who made the order can also vary, suspend, or cancel the order when they want.

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  1. Nallur Yang Hui ying

    Dear Sir/Mdm I had have been seeking legal advice and pro Bono service due to the violence which was already filed at magistrate office but I’m contrary my ex spouse had been harassing me and caused traumatic experience inclusive of him and her partner which been filed by me under act of voluntarily causing hurt which I was issued a case card by SPF , despite that both of them had also filed PPO and POHA. Which I can’t digest because I have no representative and was recent being lock up for a warrant arrest due to the fact I had noticed the court and seek their advice to get consent to postpone a zoom meeting because my children doesn’t want to return home to avoid caning and I had no financial capabilitiy and my parents wasnt supportive, he harassed an her partner slander me in her nature of circumstantial evidences which mentioned I was mentally ill, having violence disorder and also mentioned in evidence of her POHA application of me being lock up for assault which isn’t at all true but I do visit IMH for mental health sake but not surmountng to her claim.

    I had evidence such as medical report, I had also contacted national anti violence for counselling for me and my kids which the school counsellor had been aware.I had been insult of being drug addict but I went through CNB urine test lab and certain not positive of misuse of any drug.

    My kids and helper had been manipulated by then fo submit circumstantial evidence to which I am really concerned of my kids.

    Despite that my ex spouse been represented by associate of which I had been friend with and I feel unfair of such thing.